
Adorable Reindeer Cookie Cake

Reindeer Cookie Cake

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This reindeer cookie cake is so easy and simple! It’s perfect for a kids’ party or desert (that the adults can enjoy, too!)


  • Pre-Made Cookie Dough or Blank Cookie Cake
  • White Frosting (either storebought or homemade)
  • M & M’s – 7 brown and 1 red
  • Pretzels for reindeer ears
  • Edible googly eyes
  • Festive Sprinkles


  1. If using cookie dough, take small sections of cookie dough and push down in round baking pan. The sections should be touching to ensure the entire pan is covered.
  2. Follow baking directions on preferred cookie dough for over temperature and bake time.
  3. Once cooled, cut into 8 pieces. Transfer to serving platter if desired.
  4. Add frosting to outer rim of cookie cake. I use a piping bag with a star tip to make small rosettes. You can also use Whipped Cream if you add it directly before serving (It will only hold its shape for an hour or so.)
  5. Add festive sprinkles to frosting perimeter.
  6. Place two pretzels for each reindeer section.
  7. Using frosting to adhere googly eyes and M & M’s.
  8. Use one red M & M for Rudolph piece

Parenting Tip: Have extra red M & M’s on-hand if each child would prefer to have a Rudolph piece!


Substitutions: This reindeer cookie cake can also be done with brownies, cheesecake, or cake as well! If you’d prefer not to do your own frosting, just slice a pre-made cake and add the embellishments. Both chocolate and vanilla cake would work for the reindeer! (I picture them as either brown or white!) 🙂

You could also do smaller versions for the kids to decorate their own reindeer, such as on donuts or single cookies.