Teacher Gift Ideas for the First Day of School
Free easy and fun teacher gift idea idea printables for your child to bring to school. A great idea to show teachers how much we appreciate them!
School year will be different for all of us this year. My littles are going to back to school to a hybrid school this year where they go to school three days in school, and two days of homeschool. We are SO very grateful for our teachers! Teachers never in a million years would have guessed that they would be teaching during a pandemic! I applaud all of our teachers who have been making the most out of the situation. This year, I have made a few different teacher gift ideas for the first day of school.
I made three different teacher gift printables that you can print out to bring with your child on the first day of school. They are all very fun and easy to do!
I know the first week back for teachers is always busy and stressful and I wanted to put together some gift ideas to make their first week back a bit easier.
How to Download the FREE teacher Gift Printables
To Download and Print the FREE teacher printables click here.
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Other Back to School Ideas
If you are looking for more back to school ideas check out these posts below