My Go-To Laundry Detergent

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I have been compensated by all®  OXI with Stainlifters for today’s post; all thoughts and opinions are as always my own.

Anyone else feel like they are constantly doing laundry? I bet there is a pile waiting for you right now. As long as we as humans continue to wear clothes, laundry will always be there! I wonder how much laundry I actually do in a year? It is safe to say I do at least one load a day, and still don’t feel like I can ever keep up. I can’t even imagine how much laundry I will have once my little ones start playing sports (the grass stains!). For now we are safe with dance and gymnastics.

On top of the large amount, there is also the constant effort to remove all the unwanted stains on my family’s laundry. With three kids four and under, there is ALWAYS a stain that has to be removed. Whether it is chocolate ice cream from a mid-day snack or grass from playing outside, I am always fighting to get rid of a stain! I used to be the mom that hovered over their kids as they played or ate, making sure they weren’t getting dirty. I was constantly worried over how I was going to clean their clothes! All the money spent on buying clothes, I didn’t want them to be ruined, nor did I want my child to be the one wearing clothes with stains! I never really thought about it, but laundry detergent is one of the most important purchases for my family. There are so many different laundry detergents and I feel like I have been through them all, but my go-to is all® OXI because it fights 100% of stain types (bleachable, oily/waxy, enzymatic, particulate).

I no longer need to pre-treat stains, which saves me so much time! You can also buy all® OXI in Mighty Pacs if you prefer them over the liquid. You can find them both at your local Walmart store. I frequent Walmart a few days a week and I love that I can easily add all® OXI to my cart. What is even better is that you can now receive a $5 Walmart eGift Card when you spend $15 on all® Detergent. This offer is good from 6/1/2010 through 8/12/2019 and only while supplies last. There is no limit on submitted receipts per person. Visit See for details.


*Receive a $5 Walmart eGift Card when you spend $15 at Walmart on all® Detergent. SPECIAL OFFER -LIMITED TIME ONLY. OFFER GOOD FROM 6/1/10 -8/12/19 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. No limit on submitted receipts per person. See TERMS.

Since I made the switch to all® OXI  I have been so happy with how clean our clothes have been coming out of the wash! It is the perfect stain-fighting product for my family’s tricky stains. I may even become the crazy lady in the laundry aisle that has to tell you to try this product! If you feel like you are constantly fighting stains such as grass, mud, and chocolate ice cream you should stop by your local Walmart and give it a try. The laundry may never end but maybe the time spent fighting stains will! And I consider that a WIN!



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