
Summer Screen Time Rules Checklist

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Cut down on your kid’s screen time, and beat Summer boredom with this FREE Summer Screen Time Rules Checklist Template.

Oh I love summer don’t get me wrong, but this year… these summer months are just a little bit different. The kids haven’t attended camps like they used to, spent hours at the pool, or gone on our usual summer vacations (thanks to COVID).

Being cooped up in the house with no set schedule can be fun but it can also lead to boredom. Not only is my house chaotic most days, but my kids turn to screen time more often then I would like to admit.

I am no way saying to eliminate screen time. I think screen time can be a lifesaver but I also believe it should be monitored.

Summer Screen Time Checklist

Today I started a checklist to eliminate the constant argument of allowing my kids to have their electronics. Instead of screen time being an expectation, it is now a treat that has to be earned.

That is where the Summer Screen Time Rules Checklist comes in. Each day your kids will ‘earn’ their screen time. By completing these tasks, your kids will not suffer from Summer boredom either. The more activities they complete, the more time they earn.

If you are interested in more ideas to combat boredom in you house, check out this Boredom Jar Printable with 40 plus activities to keep your kids busy!

No Screen Time Until Printable

screen time checklist

To Download and Print the FREE Summer Screen Time Printable here.

If you don’t have access to my complete printable library sign up below.

I’ll send you the directions on how to download the FREE Summer Screen Time Rule Printable ASAP.

Benefit of Using the Summer Screen Time Checklist

Some of the things your child will learn while earning screen time are:

  1. Being Responsible – Your child will learn the responsibility of doing their chores, making their bed, brushing their teeth and more by checking it off the chart once they finish.
  2. Being Kind – Raising kind children is so important. This may be my favorite part to the checklist. Encourage your child to help a sibling or to write a sweet letter to a friend.
  3. Being Creative – Those young minds love to use their imagination. Doing crafts and sparking creative play can combat boredom.
  4. Staying Active – Keeping those little bodies moving is so important! Also being outside to get some fresh air is always a good idea!

Summer Rules Checklist

I encourage you to print the Summer rules checklist template, and put it on the fridge or somewhere easily accessible for your child to see. You can also laminate the list, or use a clear folder so you can reuse the same sheet each day.

I hope this summer rules checklist helps you keep monitor screen time this summer!



screen time checklist printable

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